HTML Forms Worksheet
September 11, 2023
  1. Create a Form
A. Create a Form
  1. In the FORM element below, add elements to create a form that looks like this: (except I can't, the instructions tell me to do differently)
    HTML form
  2. Put a LABEL element before each form control, which indicates what information should be entered.

                    LABEL            HTML Form Control
                    First Name:      Create a text input that has a name attribute of 'firstName'.
                    Favorite Color:  Create a select box that has a name attribute of 'color'.
                                     The select box should contain the following options:
                                     - Red (the value attribute of this option should be set to 'red').
                                     - Yellow (the value attribute of this option should be set to 'yellow' ).
                                     - Blue (the value attribute of this option should be set to 'blue').
                                     - Other (the value attribute of this option should be set to 'other').
                                     For example: the first option inside the select tag should look like this:
                                     <option value="red">Red</option>
                    Favorite Meal:   Create a group of radio buttons (put a label to the right of each radio button)
                                     - Breakfast (give it a name attribute of 'meal', a value attribute of 'breakfast'). 
                                     - Lunch (give it a name attribute of 'meal', a value attribute of 'lunch').
                                     - Dinner (give it a name attribute of 'meal', a value attribute of 'dinner').
                    Places Visited:  Create 3 checkboxes with a label to the right of each one (put a line break after each label)
                                     - Europe (give it a name attribute of 'visited[]', and a value attribute of 'Europe').
                                     - Africa (give it a name attribute of 'visited[]', and a value attribute of 'Africa').
                                     - Asia (give it a name attribute of 'visited[]', and a value attribute of 'Asia').
                    Favorite Quote:  Create a textarea that has a name attribute of 'quote'.       
                    Submit           Create a submit button (an input tag with a type attribute of 'submit' and a value of 'Submit').
First Name

Favorite Color

Favorite Meal
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Places Visited

Favorite Quote