HTML Basics Worksheet
August 6, 2023
  1. Basic HTML Understanding
A. Answer the following questions by adding your answer to the DIV element below each question.
  1. What is the significance of the html element in an html document?
The html element in an html document tells the browser that anything between its tags is html code.
  1. What is the significance of the head element in an html document?
The head element contains information about the page, such as the title. It is important to note that this is not the heading element, and so is not displayed in the main browser window.
  1. What is the significance of the title element in an html document?
The title element tells the browser that anything between its tags act as the title or name of the window or tab the webpage is open in.
  1. What is the significance of the body element in an html document?
The body element tells the browser that anything inside its tags must be shown in the main browser window.
  1. What is the difference between an inline element and a block-level element?
A block-level element is an element that must always start on a new line, whereas an inline element is an element that sits within a block level element, and does not have to start on a new line.
  1. What is a self-closing tag?
A self closing tag is a tag that does not contain content, such as <br /> tags or <hr /> tags.
  1. In the DIV element below this paragraph, add an H3 header element and make it display the content 'Hello World!'

Hello World!

  1. In the DIV element below this paragraph, add an H2 header element and make it display the content 'Hi!'. Then, add an attribute to the opening H2 tag; the attribute name should be class and the value of this attribute should be 'ball'.
    Note: If your page is set up properly and in the proper directory, the H2 element should look like an orange ball when you view it in the browser.


This was already done in the worksheet.