Dalton's Domain

About Me

Hello, I am Jeremy Dalton. I am a student at Western Technical College in Wisconsin, and I am studying IT Web and Software Development. Slight note on that, you'd be surprised how often you have to specify Web and Software Development, because if you don't, people will think you said Weapon Software Development. I come from just outside of Black River Falls, Wisconsin, and still reside there. Yes, this does lead to a considerable drive to and from school.

Outside of school, I also have a vested interest in a vast array of topics. There are the interests in academia, which include mathematics, philosophy, literature, history, and things of that nature. Outside of academia, I'm interested in gaming, reading, and any other more nerdy topic, including interests in fantasy and comics, etc. It is the interest in video games that led me to programming as a desired career, alongside the simple satisfaction that comes with creating something and seeing it come to life and do as designed.